Состав кафедры
Абдулагатов Ильмутдин Магомедович
Профессор, и.о. зав. кафедрой
Доктор технических наук, Профессор
Абдуллаев Махрам Гасанович
Доктор химических наук, Доцент
Магомедова Асият Омаровна
Кандидат химических наук
Рамазанова Патимат Абдулжалиловна
Кандидат химических наук, Доцент
Сулейманов Сагим Икрамович
Кандидат химических наук
Джамалова Светлана Аличубановна
Старший преподаватель
Кандидат химических наук
Амашаев Рустам Русланович
Кандидат химических наук
Бахмудов Магомед Зубайругаджиевич
Максумова Абай Маликовна
Абдулмеджидова Саният Гасаналиевна
Учебный мастер 1 кат.
Гаджимурадов Садрудин Гаджимурадович
Учебный мастер
Гитинова Аминат Гайирбековна
Старший лаборант
Ибрагимова Камила Омаровна
Старший лаборант
Максумова Дилара Гаруновна
Специалист по УМР 1 кат.
Пашаев Акиф Пашаевич
Заведующий лабораторией Учебный мастер
Сулейманова Раисат Магдиевна
Учебный мастер 1 кат.
Сутакуева Заира Гасановна
Старший лаборант
Абдулагатов Ильмутдин Магомедович
Преподаваемые дисциплины

Физическая химия

Государственные почетные звания РФ
  • Awarded the Dagestan State Prize in Field of Science and Technology for: "Scientific Basis of the Providing of Industry with Reliable Thermophysical Properties Data for Technologically Important Materials" (1991).
  • Russian NSF Young Investigator Award (1980-1983).
  • Russian NSF Presidential Outstanding Investigator Award (1993-1996).
  • Honorary Award by the Presidium of Russian Academy of Sciences (Department of Energy) and the Presidium of the Dagestan Scientific Center for outstanding achievements in scientific research (1990-1996).
Базовое образование
Специальность - "Физика"
Дата окончания - 1976
Научная специальность

-M.S. Physics, Dagestan State University, Dagestan, Russia-1976

 -Ph. D. in Thermophysics and Molecular Physics, Oil and Gas Institute, Baku, Azerbaidjan – 1981. Ph.D.

-Doc. Sc.in Thermophysics and Molecular Physics, Moscow Power Engineering Institute, Moscow, Russia - 1991

-Professor in Thermodynamics and Molecular Physics since 1993.

Данные о повышении квалификации и (или) профессиональной переподготовке
Область научных интересов

Thermodynamic (heat capacity, Cv and Cp, PVT, thermal pressure coefficient) and transport (viscosity and thermal conductivity) properties of fluids and fluid mixtures at high temperatures and high pressures, including phase equilibrium, near- and supercritical conditions. Experiment and modeling (equation of state, theoretical based correlations). Application high-resolution near–constant volume adiabatic calorimeter, flow-calorimeter, constant -volume piezometer, vibrating tube densimeter, guarded parallel plate, coaxial cylinder, hot-wire techniques, and laser flash apparatus (LFA 457, MicroFlash NETZSCH) to study thermophysical properties of complicated fluids and fluid mixtures, solids, porous materials at high temperatures and high pressures, including near- and supercritical regions. Supercritical phenomena and supercritical technology. Application of supercritical fluid extraction technology. Biofuel properties, supercritical transesterification technology of biofuel production. Measurements of the thermophysical properties (thermal expansion coefficient, heat capacity, thermal conductivity, and thermal diffusivity) of solid materials, dry and fluid and gas saturated porous materials at high temperatures and high pressures.

Общий трудовой стаж

40 лет

Стаж по специальности

40 лет

  1. Principal investigator and Co-PI of the National (Russian National Scientific Foundation):
  1. 93-05-8627  (1993-1996)
  2. 96-02-16005 (1996-1999)
  3. 00-02-17856 (2000-2002)
  4. 00-02-18385 (2003-2005)
  5. 05-08-18229-a (2005-2006)
  6. 06-08-08136 (2006-2007)
  7. 05-08-18229-a (2007-2008)
  8. 08-08-12258 (2008-2010)
  9. 13-08-00114/15 (2013-2016)
  10. 15-08-01030 (2015-2017)
  11. №02.740.11.5051 (2009-2015) Russian Government Project (Department of Education and Technology)

International Grants:

INTAS-96-1989 (1996-2001), Thermophysical Properties of Near- and Supercritical Fluids and Fluid Mixtures. Supercritical Fluid Technology  

IAPWS International Collaboration Projects (2000-2002, 2003-2004, 2011-2012), Thermodynamic and Transport Properties of Aqueous Alcohols and Aqueous Ammonia Mixtures at High Temperatures and High Pressures

NASA (2003-2005), Thermophysical Properties of Rocket Fuels (RP-1)

Russia-China Project, Thermodynamic Properties of Biofuel Components, 08-08-12258 (2008-2010)

Russia-China Project, Thermodynamic Properties of Ionic Liquids as Working Fluids for Energy Generating Systems (2012-2015)

Russia-Austria Project, Thermophysical Properties of Rocks at High Temperatures

Грант РФФИ: Фазовые переходы и критические явления в нанофлюидах. 2016-2018 гг.

Грант РФФИ: Экспериментальное и теоретическое исследования плотности и вязкости основных компонентов биодизельного топлива в широкой области температур и давлений. 2015-2017.


Hirsch index: 26.

1. I.M. Abdulagatov, Stepanov G.V., Abdulagatov A.I. Isochoric Heat Capacity of Fluids and Fluid Mixtures in the Critical and Supercritical Regions. Nova Science Publisher, Inc., New York, 2012, 214 p.

2. Z.Z. Abdulagatov, A.I. Abdulagatov, I.M. Abdulagatov, Effective Thermal Conductivity of Fluid-Saturated Sandstones at High Temperatures and High Pressures. Experiment and Modeling. In: Advances in Materials Science Research. ed. M.C. Wythers, Vol. 11, Nova Science Publisher, Inc., New York, 2012, Chapter 1, pp. 1-190.

3. R.A. Usmanov, F.M. Gumerov, F.R. Gabitov, Z.I. Zaripov, F.N. Scshamsetdinov, I.M. Abdulagatov, High Yield Biofuel Production from Vegetable Oils with Supercritical Alcohols. In: Liquid Fuels: Types, Properties and Production Nova Science Publisher, Chapter 3, Inc., New York, 2012, pp. 99-146.

4. Z.Z. Abdulagatov, A.I. Abdulagatov, I.M. Abdulagatov,
Effective thermal conductivity of dry-and fluid-saturated
sandstones at high temperatures and high pressures. Review of the experimental methods and modeling. In: Sandstones: 
Geochemistry, Uses and Environmental Impact (Geology and 
Mineralogy Research Development), ed. A.M. Kazerouni, Nova
Science Publisher, Inc., New York, 2013, Chapter 3.

5. I.M. Abdulagatov, J.W. Magee, N.G. Polikhronidi, R.G. Batyrova Enthalpy and Internal Energy: Liquids, Solutions and Vapors, T. Letcher, E. Wilhelm, Editors, Royal Society of Chemistry, Chapter 16, (2016).

6. I.M. Abdulagatov, J.W. Magee, N.G. Polikhronidi, R.G. Batyrova, Internal Pressure and Internal Energy of Saturated and Compressed Phases,In: Enthalpy and Internal Energy: Liquids, Solutions and Vapors, T. Letcher, E. Wilhelm, Editors, Royal Society of Chemistry, Chapter 17, (2016).

7. SagdeevD.I., FominaM.G., Abdulagatov I.M. Viscosity and density of  polyethyleneglycols and their ixtures, LAP Lambert Academic PublishingGmbH& Co, 2016, p.140.
